The Festival launches the sixth edition of the Mathieu Duguay Early Music Competition
2024-11-28 - The Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival is proud to launch the sixth edition of the...Find out more
Less Than A Month Before The Start of The Festival
2024-06-27 - The 48th season of the Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival, under the theme Four Seasons, kicks off in...Find out more
Mother's Day Brunch
2024-05-08 - What could be more enjoyable than brunching with family and friends on Mother's Day? This is the invitation...Find out more
Launch of the 2024 Program
2024-04-17 - The Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival is proud to present the program for its 2024 season. The program includes...Find out more
Festival receives the New Brunswick Foundation for the Arts Fund Award
2023-11-30 - The Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival recently received the New Brunswick Foundation for the Arts...Find out more
The Festival is proud to have completed a community project at Sainte-Cécile Church
2023-07-13 - The Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival is proud to have completed a community project at Sainte-Cécile Church...Find out more
Less than a month before the start of the Festival
2023-06-29 - The 47th season of the Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival, under the theme...Find out more
Mother's Day Brunch
2023-05-03 - What could be more enjoyable than brunching with family and friends on Mother's Day...Find out more
Launch of the 2023 Program
2023-04-21 - The Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival is proud to resent the program for its 47th season.Find out more
The Festival is looking for people from the community to volunteer to accommodate a musician in 2023
2022-09-06 - Work is well underway to prepare for the 2023 season of the Festival. "We expect to welcome a large number of musicians...Find out more
Winners of the Mathieu Duguay Early Music Competition Announced
2022-07-27 - Last Friday evening, the Festival presented the final round of the 5th edition of the...Find out more
What is the magic of Lamèque? What is its magic sauce?
2022-07-14 - If a professional feasibility study was done to find the perfect place to hold a world-class Baroque Music Festival, it is doubtful Lamèque, sitting at the northern tip of New BrunswickFind out more
Soprano Andréanne Brisson-Paquin agreed to replace soprano Suzie LeBlanc
2022-07-05 - Soprano Andréanne Brisson-Paquin will be on stage for the concert From the court of Louis XIV to Shippagan this Thursday, July 7, at 7:30 p.m.Find out more
The Festival begins in two weeks
2022-07-05 - The 46th season of the Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival will begin in just over two weeks...Find out more
From the court of Louis XIV to Shippagan
2022-06-16 - The Festival presents a very special concert thanks to the support of a family business in the community.Find out more
Launch of the 2022 program: Everything Turns
2022-04-27 - Back in person after two virtual seasons, the Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival is...Find out more
2022-04-20 - It is as a visual signature of the Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival that this body of work, Primavera, was created, inspired by the theme of the 2022 editionFind out more
The Festival launches the fifth edition of the Mathieu Duguay Early Music Competition
2021-11-05 - The Lameque International Baroque Music Festival is proud to launch the fifth edition of the...Find out more
Online meetings and discussions to celebrate the 45th anniversary of the Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival
2021-07-14 - The Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival is proud to announce five online discussions and meetings that...Find out more
Less than a month before the start of the Festival
2021-06-28 - The 45th season of the Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival begins in less than a month.Find out more
With the theme ″Magnificent Baroque″ the Festival will be presented online to celebrate its 45th anniversary
2021-06-01 - Launch of the 2021 SeasonFind out more
The Festival will present a Musical Advent Calendar in December
2020-11-27 - The Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival is proud to announce the resentation of a Musical Advent Calendar on Facebook...Find out more
The Festival presents "Chansons de Shippagan"
2020-07-14 - The Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival is proud to announce the presentation of a free virtual concert entitled...Find out more
The Festival will not be presented in 2020
2020-04-20 - Due to the situation related to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is with regret that the Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival team announces that...Find out more
Tribute Evening to Calixte Duguay
2019-10-07 - A grand Tribute Evening to Calixte Duguay will be held on Saturday, October 19, 2019, at 6 p.m., at the Mathieu-Duguay Hall, in Lamèque. The event promises to be colourful and emotional,....Find out more
Winners of the Mathieu Duguay Early Music Competition Announced
2019-07-27 - The International Lamèque Baroque Music Festival presented last night the final round of the 4th edition of the Mathieu Duguay Early Music Competition. Trumpetist Duncan Campbell, violinist Marie Nadeau-Tremblay and harpsichordist Jonathan Salamon...Find out more
The celebration of baroque music begins in less than a week on the Acadian coast
2019-07-18 - The 44th season of the Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival will begin in just under a week, on July 25, 2019. According to Vincent Lauzer, artistic director of the Festival, this year's...Find out more
Less than a month before the Festival begins
2019-06-27 - The 44th season of the Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival beings in just under a month. This great celebration of early music will...Find out more
Launch of the 2019 Program
2019-04-02 - The 2019 season of the Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival will present six concerts this year. Vincent Lauzer, the artistic director...Find out more
Mission Accomplished for the 43rd Season of the Festival
2018-11-19 - The 43rd season of the Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival presented last July was very successful. This is what came out of theFind out more
The Festival launches the 4th edition of the Mathieu Duguay Early Music Competition
2018-10-10 - The Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival is proud to launch the fourth edition of the Mathieu Duguay Early Music Competiton.Find out more
Tribute Evening to Sandra Le Couteur
2018-08-13 - The Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival presents a grand tribute evening to Sandra Le Couteur, Saturday, September 22, 2018,...Find out more
The celebration of baroque music begins in less than a week on the Acadian coast
2018-07-19 - The 43rd season of the Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival will begin in just under a week, on July 26, 2018. According to Vincent Lauzer...Find out more
The countdown is on: the Festival begins in one month
2018-06-25 - The 43rd season of the Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival begins in one month. This celebration of early music will bring together some fifty artists...Find out more
The Festival receives an important donation from a Lamèque-based Foundation
2018-05-04 - The Board of Directors of the Lamèque International Baroque Music Fetival is pleased to publicly acknowledge the support of...Find out more
The 2018 Season is launched!
2018-04-12 - The 2018 season of the Lamèque International Baroque Music Fetival will present six concerts and a pre-festival...Find out more
A new Administrative Director appointed by the Board of Directors
2018-02-14 - The Board of Directors of the Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival is pleased to announce the appointment of Nathalie Stewart as the new Administrative Director of the event.Find out more
A 42nd successful season for the Festival
2017-11-18 - The 42nd season of the Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival presented last July was very successful. This is what came out of the assessment of the festival's activities made by the Board of Directors during its general annual meeting that...Find out more
The Mathieu Duguay Early Music Competition is back for a third edition
2017-07-18 - The Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival is proud to present the third edition of the Mathieu Duguay Early Music Competition on July 27 and 28, 2017. Following a process of auditions for which nearly thirty musicians from around the...Find out more
The Festival celebrates Canada's 150th birthday, Acadie and the sea
2017-07-14 - The Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival will present a grand opening concert entitled "Partons la mer est belle", on Thursday, July 27, 2017, with Acadian soprano Pascale Beaudin and Ensemble Caprice. According to...Find out more
The count down is on!
2017-06-27 - With six concerts, many special events and nearly 40 invited artists, the 42nd season of the Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival will take place in a month, from July 27 - 29, 2017.Find out more
Launch of the 2017 Season
2017-04-06 - The 2017 season of the Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival will feature six concerts and a conference that promise to impress. Vincent Lauzer, artistic director of the Festival, unveiled this morning...Find out more
The Festival is announcing the finalists of the Mathieu Duguay Early Music Competition
2017-03-29 - The Lamèque International Music Baroque Music Festival is announcing today the finalists of the 2017 Mathieu Duguay Early Music Competition. Three young emerging musicians were selected by a preselection jury comprised of...Find out more
A successful 41st season for the Festival
2016-11-05 - The 41st season of the Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival presented last July was very successful. This is what came out of the assessment of the festival's activities made by the board of directors during...Find out more
The Festival launches the 2017 edition of the Mathieu Duguay Early Music Competition
2016-09-27 - The Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival is proud to launch the 2017 edition of the Mathieu Duguay Early Music competition. Young baroque musicians are now invited to submit their application.Find out more
Tribue evening for Mathieu Duguay
2016-09-16 - On Saturday, October 1st, 2016, the Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival is organizing a "Roast" in honor of its founder, Mr. Mathieu Duguay, well-known harpsichordist and organist. The evening, that promises to be both...Find out more
The celebration of baroque music on the Acadian coast begins in a week
2016-07-20 - Only a week left before the beginning of the 41st season of the Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival, on July 28, 2016. The program of this year stands out with the presentation of three concerts and three special events...Find out more
Visual signature of the 2016 season: a meeting between visual arts and music
2016-07-07 - The work of the Acadian painter Pauline Dugas used as the visuasl signature for the 2016 season of the Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival is offered for...Find out more
The countdown is on: the Festival will begin in less than a month!
2016-06-29 - With three concerts, three special events and nearly 40 invited artists, the 41st season of the Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival will take plaace in less than a month.Find out more
Bach's Mass in B Minor Concert Sold Out!
2016-06-06 - The Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival announces that the grand concert of Bach's Mass in B Minor, presented on Saturday evening, July 30, 2016, by the Mission Saint-Charles Choir and Arion Baroque Orchestra, is now sold out.Find out more
Launch of the 2016 Season
2016-04-12 - With three concerts, three special events and nearly 40 invited artists, the 41st season of the Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival presented this summer promises to be "Larger than life". Vincent Lauzer, artistic director...Find out more
Partnership between the Festival and Université de Moncton, campus de Shippagan (UMCS)
2016-03-22 - The Festival and the Université de Moncton, campus de Shippagan (UMCS), recently signed a partnership agreement that will allow music lovers to enjoy their stay in the region this summer.Find out more
Tribute evening for Aldéa Landry
2015-09-25 - On Saturday, October 31, 2015, the Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival is organizing a "Roast" in honor of Mrs. Aldéa Landry, well-known Acadian lawyer and business woman in Canada. The evening, that promises to be both entertaining...Find out more
Winners of the Mathieu Duguay Early Music Competition
2015-07-24 - The 40th season of the Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival was launched with panache last night with the presentation of the second Mathieu Duguay Early Music Competition.Find out more
Informal lecture on the Messiah
2015-06-15 - The Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival will present and informal lecture on Handel's Messiah by the founder of the Festival, Mathieu Duguay, on Sunday, June 28, 2015, at 1:30 p.m., at the Centre de la foi / Maison des...Find out more
Handel's Messiah Concert Sold Out!
2015-05-28 - The Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival announces that the grand concert of Handel's Messiah, presented on Saturday evening, July 25, 2015, by the Mission Saint-Charles Choir and Orchestra, is now sold out. According to the artistic director...Find out more
Finalists of the Mathieu Duguay Early Music Competition Announced
2015-05-04 - The Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival is announcing today the finalists of the second Mathieu Duguay Early Music Competition. Three young emerging musicians were chose by a pre-selection jury comprised of Francis Colpron...Find out more
Launch of the 2015 Season
2015-04-13 - With 4 concerts in 3 days, nearly 30 artists and the presentation of almost 10 related activities, the Lamèeque International Baroque Music Festival hopes to celebrate its 40th anniversary in style this summer. Recorder player Vincent Lauzer, artistic...Find out more
Key events to celebrate the Festival's 40th anniversary
2015-02-05 - The Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival unveiled today the major events that will be presented from July 23 to July 25, 2015, to celebrate its 40th anniversary as well as the names of some of the artists that will be present in Lamèque. AccordingFind out more
Fundraising Christmas concert
2014-11-17 - The Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival is happy to announce the presentation of a Christmas Fundraising concert, on Saturday, December 13, 2014 at the Saint-Jean-Baptiste and Saint-Joseph Church in Tracadie....Find out more
2014 Annual General Meeting
2014-11-08 - The 39th season of the Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival presented last July was very successful. This is what came out of the assessment of the festival?s activities made by the board of directors during its general annual meeting that took pFind out more
2014-07-10 - The Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival will begin in two weeks. Three concerts will be presented from July 24 to July 26, 20014, at 8:00 p.m., at ...Find out more
The celebration of baroque music to begin in a month on Lamèque Island
2014-06-23 - The Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival will begin in a month, as violins, flutes, harpsichord, oboes and singers will bring to life the music of great composers...Find out more
Launch of 2014 Festival program
2014-05-06 - The Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival officially launched the program of its 39th season this morning and unveiled the details of the three concerts that will be presented between July 24...Find out more
A successful 38th season for the festival
2013-11-02 - The 38th season of the Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival presented last July was very successful.Find out more
Official launch of the 2013 edition of the Festival - A 38th season presenting well-established musicians and rising performers
2013-05-17 - The Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival officially launched the program of its 38th season this morning and unveiled the details of the three concerts that will be presented between July 25 ? 27, 2013Find out more