Mission Accomplished for the 43rd Season of the Festival
Mission accomplished for the 43rd season
More people attended the concerts
Lamèque, N. B., Monday, November 19, 2018: The 43rd season of the Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival presented last July was very successful. This is what came out of the assessment of the festival’s activities made by the Board of Directors during its general annual meeting that took place Saturday, November 17, 2018, in Lamèque.
Positive Assessment of the 2018 Season
The Festival's officials painted a positive picture of the activities of the 2018 season. At the outset, Festival President Jean-René Noël acknowledged the work of the Board of Directors and volunteers, as well as the unfailing support of the community. "We presented very high-calibre concerts to music lovers, which were a great success," he said. In his report, the artistic director, Vincent Lauzer, reviewed the seven concerts and highlighted the exceptional work of the approximately 50 musicians and singers who performed during the Festival. "The warm welcome from the community and the audience contributes to making the Festival an event that is dear to the artists who visit us," he said.
The 2018 edition of the Festival attracted larger audiences than the previous year. "We are very pleased to see an increase of just over 7 percent in the number of people attending our concerts," said the President. With respect to financial performance, the President presented the financial statements, which showed a slight deficit of $6,368 at year-end, noting a decrease in sponsorship and donation revenues compared to the previous year. "Despite this deficit, the Festival's finances are sound and the team has good control over expenses," said Mr. Noël. "We will continue to work hard to ensure the funding and sustainability of the Festival. Our sincere thanks to the individuals, organizations, businesses and levels of government that support us financially," concluded the President.
The 44th season of the Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival will be presented from July 25 to 27, 2019 and will include the 4th edition of the Mathieu Duguay Early Music Competition. Programming details will be announced in spring 2019.